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In the province of BC,

anything that is older than 1846 is legally considered to be an archaeological resource. In the province of BC, archaeological sites date back in excess of 13, 000 years ago. BC is a nice place to live and large populations have been here for a very very long time!

If you have found a nice place to develop, be it a small property or mega project, the odds are that there is an archaeological site present protected by the Heritage Conservation Act.  Sea-Beneath will help you through the process, providing professional archaeological services to help your project succeed and manage your heritage requirements.

Land owners, realtors and developers are encouraged to read our information page for services specific to their needs.

Image of an archaeological dig site near the waters of Vancouver Island.


Cultural Shell Deposit

Commonly known as “midden” is the evidence of occupation by humans. Over hundreds and thousands of years, the accumulated waste produced by populations reveals substantial heaps of shell, bones, fire cracked rock and greasy black anthropogenic soils. This material was not simply a waste product but was used effectively in urban planning of BC’s coastal villages.  The material was deposited in specified locations to create the sites that we see today. It was used as a ballast essentially, like modern gravel preload, to create house platforms, pathways, defensive embankments and lookouts, and outside communal areas that formed the ancient villages. Cultural Shell Deposits (CSD) can be obvious or subtle when encountered and occurs in primary (original) and disturbed contexts (re-used under modern roads, houses, gardens). CSD is the hallmark of the archaeological sites that are frequently encountered on our coastlines and even well inland.

Cultural Shell Deposit
Measuring the depth of a CSD layer